Since its founding 155 years ago, the Association of Berlin Women Artists 1867 has been a motor, network and showcase for women artists. Today it unites more than 60 women artists from all over the world who live and work in Berlin. Their works reflect the Berlin art scene and exhibit a remarkable aesthetic, thematic and medial diversity. In the exhibition TROUBLED NATURE, 26 women artists of the association take up the challenge to process the conflict-laden relationship between nature and humankind in works of art.
Nature and humankind are in turmoil, distress and trouble due to human-made environmental degradation and climate change. War, pandemic and natural disasters are shaking our society down to its foundations. The exhibition title "Troubled Nature" allows countless possibilities of association and interpretation. The word "nature" stands for the nature surrounding us as well as for humankind and the human psyche. Humankind is part of nature. By exploiting and destroying it, by limiting and leveling it, we deprive ourselves of our future.
Presented are works of art on the themes of climate change and environmental destruction, species extinction and its catastrophic effects on life on the planet. Paintings, photographs, films, sculptures and installations show, among other things, the beauty of a blade of grass, a tree trunk or a glacier, the brutality of nature's demolition or the legacies of our civilization. All the works reflect our world in its beauty, vulnerability and threat.